The importance of wearing a sun hat

hat-lacebow-cream-modelEver stop and wonder why all the urgent talk about wearing a sunhat? We know that too much exposure to the sun can cause a sunburn. But not only is a sunburn extremely painful, the cells and blood vessels in our skin get damaged when exposed to too much sun. When exposed to more sun, the skin undergoes premature aging by looking dry, wrinkled and discolored and although the skin may appear to be thicker and leather like, in reality it is actually weaker and will bruise more easily.


As you are well aware, the most serious threat of those sunny rays of sunshine is Skin Cancer which is one of the most common cancers today. Doctors believe that most skin cancers can be avoided by preventing sun damage. Putting on sun tan lotion is great, however, there are often parts of the body which are forgotten when applying sunscreen. Most people just smear it on their face, body, arms and legs forgetting behind their ears, their scalp (can’t get lotion in there if have hair) and the back of their neck. Wearing the proper sun hat ensures you that your skin is well protected at all times.


But what about the positive sides of sunshine? Vitamin D is an important nutrient that your body obtains through the sun, as Vitamin D is not found naturally in most foods. Rest assured, because most foods today are fortified with Vitamin D so sunlight is not as important or necessary as it used to be.

Of course, the sun makes us all in a cheery mood and lifts our spirits which is why it is definitely recommended to spend time in the sun – just remember to keep safe and protected with sun screen and a sun hat at all times.


So now you know all about the importance of wearing a sun hat. Pull that wide brimmed straw hat around your head and smile at the sun! You’re protected!

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